Book Summaries can Rock Your World!

Did you know that Abraham Lincoln had less than a year of formal schooling and educated himself by reading borrowed books? Or that Ernest and Julio Gallo learned how to make wine from a book in a public library. 

Readers are leaders …and learners are earners

Reading  is one of the best investments you make in yourself, your career, business and the people you love.   Whether you are a student, in a career, or run a business,  self-learning can accelerate you in ways that you may never have imagined. 

It can also help you to avoid pitfalls along the way.  Eleanor Roosevelt once said “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”

Employers and customers want partners that solve real and meaningful problems. In today’s world, you need to distinguish yourself from the crowd to advance. Learning both hard and soft skills gives you an edge. 

As with other investments,  learning compounds like financial interest. The more you know, the more dots you are able to connect. 

The problem today is that we are overwhelmed by choices on what to read and learn. At last count there were over 23 million book titles on Amazon. That is more than 1500 lifetimes of material! 

Additional challenges include: 

  • Finding the time to invest in learning 
  • Knowing what to learn…
  • Retaining what you learn and 
  • Applying it in the real world! 

That’s where upnotes come in.  We have identified some of the top business leaders, authors, coaches and mentors in the world . And then we found their favorite books.  We then curated and summarized their book recommendations… so you don’t have to.  

Let us be a valuable part of your success journey! We promise that it will hands down be more relevant than any college course you might take. There are no lectures. Just valuable lessons and insights that can jumpstart your life today! 

These lessons will help you to: 

  • Know your Why!  Who you are and what motivates you? 
  • Adopt a Mindset that serves both you and others 
  • Find mentors that inspire you… 
  • Learn and develop marketable Skills 
  • Find the right opportunities for you 

Click here to visit and receive FREE sample book summaries. Begin upgrading your “self-ware” today. This might be the best investment you make in yourself…ever!